Stroller Rental – Try before you buy!

I’m so sick of paying hundreds of dollars for strollers without even being allowed to try them! For $10 you can road test the stroller in the actual outdoors, with your child in it, around the block, in a park setting, etc. If you’d like to try the stroller for longer (24 hours) you can do so for $30. If anyone else out there has strollers they’d be up for “renting” out, let me know!

I currently have the following strollers that I have available for “rent”:

If you’re interested, send me an email. I’m in Cleveland, Ohio.

2 Responses

  1. I don’t have one for rent, but I will say that I love my Maclaren Volo umbrella stroller. It’s tall enough that my hubby and I don’t have to hunch down to push it, and sturdy enough to push 50 lbs or so of luggage around the airport. We beat the carp out of the thing and it hasn’t fallen apart yet.

  2. It is definitely frustrating to purchase a stroller without having the opportunity to try it out first. Babies R’ Us and other mass merchandisers carry only a limited number of brands, so if you want anything outside of their selection it typically means that you are taking a leap of faith by purchasing something you’ve never tried! Fortunately, and I have no affliation with this retailer, two girls started a stroller company here in Cleveland called StrollerMama and you can actually go to their warehouse and try out their strollers before you buy. The best part is that they have a fairly large selection and they sell varieties you can’t get at the mass merchandisers. (

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